Jenkins Tools configurations

Once you installed all plugins, we can go ahead to make required changes in configurations.

Configure Global Security

Configure Global Security

Configuring Maven

  • Go to section Maven
  • Provide name for maven installation
  • Select check box to install it automatically and select version to be installed. Configure Global Security

Configuring NodeJS

  • Go to section NodeJS
  • Provide name for nodejs installation
  • Select check box to install it automatically and select version to be installed.
  • You can provide names to install global modules, which very common for all services. Configure Global Security

Configuring Go

  • Go to section Go
  • Provide name for go installation
  • Select check box to install it automatically and select version to be installed. Configure Global Security

Configuring SSH for remote host

  • Go to section SSH remote hosts in Configure Systems setting.
  • Provide host name for hosts to ssh.
  • Select ssh port 22.
  • We need to provide credentials for same. We can create credentials in Configure Credentials menu.
  • Select check box to install it automatically and select version to be installed. Configure Global Security

Configuring Artifactory

  • Provide the server id for Artifactory server.
  • Provide URL of Artifactory server.
  • Provide default credentials for Artifactory.
  • once you added credentials check the connectivity, it will provide Artifactory version (e.g 5.8.4) Configure Global Security