Building Docker Images

In this lab, you are going to learn how to bulild images, publish those and work with the docker registry.

Building an image manually with docker commit

Lets take the following application as an example. You first need to start by cloning the code,

git clone

after cloning this repo we are going to launch ubuntu image this application running on port 1600 that why we are already exposing port.

docker container run -idt --name fb -p 16000:16000 ubuntu bash

connect to that container using following command

docker exec -it fb bash

after connecting that container use following instructions.

Install following package:

  • build-essential
  • make
  • libsqlite3-dev
  • sqlite3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -yq build-essential make libsqlite3-dev sqlite3

after installing this packages we need source code cpoy your source code in insisde the container.

docker cp facebooc/ fb:/opt/

after copying the data go inside the container

docker exec -it fb bash

switch the dir.

cd /opt/facebooc/

then Build the application using following command

make all

Run the application using binary


now go to the web browser host_ip:16000 or localhost:16000

then exit the container commit container using following command including your own tag with your docker hub id

docker container commit fb initcron/fb:v1

After creating image push to docker hub registry

docker login
docker image push initcron/fb:v1

Automatiing image builds with a Dockerfile

Above section we build the image using manual approch. In this we going to dockerfile to build image automation. just clone the repo. using following command.

git clone

cd facebooc

git checkout docker

you can see the Dockerfile

cat Dockerfile


FROM  ubuntu

WORKDIR /opt/facebooc

RUN  apt-get update &&  \
     apt-get install -yq build-essential make git libsqlite3-dev sqlite3

COPY . /opt/facebooc

RUN  make all

EXPOSE 16000

CMD "bin/facebooc"

then build docker image image

docker image build -t initcron/fb:v2 .

after build image launch it

docker container run -idt -P initcron/fb:v2