This is an example of "frontmatter", which comes before the main text of the book.
Course Outline
Chapter 01: Codifying Devops
- Why Devops
- History
- Principles and Practices
Chapter 02: Use Case Workshop
- Description of Use Case
- Organization Goals
- Pain Points
- Diagnosing the issues
- Solution Design
Chapter 03: Git quick dive
- Git and Distributed Revision Control
- Repos
- Branching and Merging
- Github
- Branching Strategy
- Git References
- Lab
- Setting up repos
- Create a devops repo
Chapter 04: Ansible quick dive
- Why Ansible
- IaaC
- Convergence
- Idempotence
- Ansible Concepts
- Inventory
- Playbooks
- Roles
- Modules
- Vars/Templates
Chapter 05: Creating Ansible code for Demo App
- Playbooks for
- System Configurations
- Application Configurations
- Deployment
- Additional Code for Provisioning Automation
Chapter 06: Provisioning Automation
- Vagrant
- Labs:
- Create dev env
- Integrate with Ansible
Chapter 07: Continous Integration
- Theory
Chapter 08: Setting up a CI Pipeline with Jenkins
- Setup Jenkins
- Commit Stage Jobs
- build/compile
- unit test
- static code analysis
- Artifacts Management
- Functional Acceptance Testing
- Deploy to Staging
- NFR Testing
Chapter 09: Cloud and AWS* Cloud and Devop
Chapter 10: Deploy a prod Environment on AWS
- Design considerations
- Availability
- Scalability
- Manageability
- Security
- Deploy to prod, integrate with Jenkins
Chapter 11: Containers and Docker
- Advantages of using containers
- Portability
- Consistency
- Density
- Eco System
- Speed
- Docker quick dive
- Running Containers
- Operating Containers
- Port Mapping
- Building Docker Images
Chapter 12: Dockerizing App Stack
- Build Dockerfiles
- Create Docker Compose specs
Chapter 13: Kubernetes: Taking Containers to Production
- COEs and intro to k8s
- k8s Quick Dive
- Pods
- deployments
- services
- Ingress
- rollouts
Chapter 14: Deploying Demo app in Production
- Deploy k8s Cluster /Minikube
- Create k8s objects
- deployment
- service
- ingress
- Release Management
- Zero Downtime
- Blue Green
- Canary
Chapter 15: Monitoring
- Why Monitoring ?
- What to monitor
- Logs
- Health
- Labs:
- Setup log monitoring
- Setup performance monitoring
- Health Monitoring and Alerting