Kubernetes Visualizer

In this chapter we will see how to set up kubernetes visualizer that will show us the changes in our cluster in real time.

Set up

Fork the repository and deploy the visualizer on kubernetes

git clone  https://github.com/schoolofdevops/kube-ops-view
kubectl apply -f kube-ops-view/deploy/

[Sample Output]

serviceaccount "kube-ops-view" created
clusterrole "kube-ops-view" created
clusterrolebinding "kube-ops-view" created
deployment "kube-ops-view" created
ingress "kube-ops-view" created
deployment "kube-ops-view-redis" created
service "kube-ops-view-redis" created
service "kube-ops-view" created

Get the nodeport for the service.

kubectl get svc

NAME                  TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
kube-ops-view         NodePort   <none>        80:**30073**/TCP   1m
kube-ops-view-redis   ClusterIP   <none>        6379/TCP       1m
kubernetes            ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP        8m

In my case, port 30073 is the nodeport.

Visit the port from the browser. You could add /#scale=2.0 or similar option where 2.0 = 200% the scale.

