Steps to set up NFS based Persistent Volumes
Set up NFS Common
On all kubernetes nodes, if you have not already installed nfs, use the following command to do so
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nfs-common
[Skip this step if you are using a vagrant setup recommended as part of this course. ]
Set up NFS Provisioner in kubernetes
Change into nfs provisioner installation dir
cd k8s-code/storage
Deploy nfs-client provisioner.
kubectl apply -f nfs
This will create all the objects required to setup a nfs provisioner.
Creating a Persistent Volume Claim
switch to project directory
cd k8s-code/projects/instavote/dev/
file: db-pvc.yaml
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: db-pvc
- ReadWriteOnce
volumeMode: Filesystem
storage: 2Gi
storageClassName: nfs
And lets create the Persistent Volume Claim
kubectl get pvc,storageclass
kubectl logs -f nfs-provisioner-0
kubectl apply -f db-pvc.yaml
kubectl get pvc,storageclass
kubectl describe pvc db-pvc
file: db-deploy.yaml
- image: postgres:9.4
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: db
- containerPort: 5432
protocol: TCP
#mount db-vol to postgres data path
- name: db-vol
mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data
#create a volume with pvc
- name: db-vol
claimName: db-pvc
Observe which host db pod is running on
kubectl get pod -o wide --selector='role=db'
And apply this code as
kubectl apply -f db-deploy.yaml
kubectl get pod -o wide --selector='role=db'
- Observe the volume and its content created on the nfs server
- Observe which host the pod for db was created this time. Analyse the behavior of a deployment controller.